April 22nd LZ Ike

Welcome to LZ Ike. “Dear Mom, dad, Sue,

I got two letters from you today – and was happy to receive both. I still haven’t received your latest packages yet, but because of our latest move – that’s understandable. At present we are building LZ Ike – a few miles north and to the east of LZ Jessie where we had all the trouble.”

As an RTO I carry the basic M-16 and about 300 rounds of ammunition. The radio is strapped to a frame which I wear on my back like a regular pack. It’s heavy, but I travel lighter than I did as a grenadier. As far as my feet go, there is nothing I can do but put foot powder on them. We haven’t had a change of socks for a month. When I go on R&R – get a chance to clean my feet and put some goo on them, they’ll be fine.”

Please thank Jeff and Dave for the birthday cards. I really don’t have time to write and thank them. But I did appreciate their cards even if you pushed them into it.” I have no idea who Jeff and Dave are. “My teeth seem to be ok. As long as I brush them a couple of times a week, they don’t bother me. Next time you see Dr Ochab – say ‘hi’ for me and ‘wish you were here.’ Marty was going to go back to school when he got out and then go on to dental school.” I’m very glad you invited Peni to visit when she takes her trip. We’re more or less back together again. Things are fine. She finally seemed to realize that there’s a was on over here and that people are dying. I think I scared her. It was a dirty trick, but I had to open her eyes – and I think it worked. I hope she does come to see you.” All my ex girlfriends really liked mom and most maintained a relationship with her long after their relationships with me ended.

Oh boy, not proud of this next part. “And what’s wrong with dirty books? We’re all dirty guys over here – and we can’t get enough dirty books. How about that!”

Marty was from California, but I believe his folks are living in Nevada at the present time. He was a bout ½ year older than I. The reason I never mention the guys in my squad is – well, I don’t have one. The fact is we’re all pretty close. We’ve got a few new guys and as yet they aren’t part of us. But us older guys are really close. We all liked and respected Marty. The only older guys left now are Jeff Wozniak from Michigan, Gene Walker (colored), Paul Pollard (colored), Smitty from Baltimore (colored), and Max from Illinois. Quan Loi should be 25 or 30 miles north of Tay Ninh. We’re located somewhere between the two places – in Tay Ninh province. And we haven’t had any contact since April 2nd.” I have no idea why I felt it necessary to include race when mentioning my friends. I don’t remember Gene, but I do remember Paul, Smitty, Jeff and Max.

Yes, I heard the Bruins didn’t make it. Last I heard they were two games behind the Habs for the Stanley Cup. Hope they make it there, but I really don’t think they will. The Sox were looking pretty good, but then Baltimore gave them a bad time. I think they’ll have a good year, and if their pitching and Yastremski come through, they should take the pennant. That’s about it for now. Take Care, Love always, Dave.” As I sit here after finishing this letter, I’m wondering how I knew what was going on in the sports world. We didn’t have radios that I remember, so we must have found this stuff out from the occasional newspaper that we received.

I am also sharing in this letter enemy propaganda that we sometimes ran across.